Taking every measure to ensure the physical health and well-being of each member of our community. Creating a culture where it is safe to express oneself honestly, where every person is valued and every opinion is respected.
Will be sought in all outcomes and employed in every process. The nature, character, and works of God are excellent, so we should reflect that excellence in all we do.
A Process of discovery through researching and investigating every aspect of a subject to maximize learning and to uncover truth.
Creatively thinking outside of the box that results in new paradigms, approaches or technologies. The flexibility to adapt and change to meet new challenges and to arrive at new solutions.
The application of knowledge and wisdom to produce growth and change in self and in the world around us.
Being true to ourselves, being real with others, and coming clean with God. Transparency in communication at every level.
Fostering a Christ-centered culture and environment that values every individual, celebrates multiculturalism, and works together to achieve common goals.
Freedom in Christ
To be the individual God created you to be, to express your faith via your own tradition and conscience, and to share your ideas without fear or judgement or condemnation.
The “ability” to “respond” appropriately in every situation. Being accountable to God and each other.
To conduct ourselves with deep care and compassion for all. Putting our faith into action in meaningful ways. Being slow to anger and abounding in mercy (Psalm 103:8). Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you (Luke 6:31). Loving your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 19:19).
Learner Outcomes
The school’s Learner Outcomes (formerly called expected school-wide learning results or ESLRs) reflect Twenty-first Century skills. The school-wide expected Learner Outcomes for Wesley College Preparatory School are as follows:
A productive individual in society who:
Identifies and solves problems by applying critical thinking skills and mathematical reasoning;
Finds appropriate solutions as an individual or in collaboration with others;
Uses effective communication skills; and
Actively pursues knowledge through a variety of resources incorporating the use of technology.
An effective and informed citizen who:
Interprets and responds to different sources of information;
Takes a positive, active role in his/her community;
Selects an ethical and Biblical course of action when faced with choices; and
Practices environmental responsibility.
A culturally aware person who:
Respects their own culture and appreciates cultural similarities and differences;
Recognizes and affirms the dignity and worth of every individual as a child of God; and
Accepts and deals positively with human diversity.
A self-directed learner who:
Reflects upon personal and spiritual growth and development;
Practices good health habits and physical fitness;
Acquires new skills and applies new knowledge;
Establishes career and life-long goals; and
Accepts personal responsibility for his/her actions.